A true shield against negative energies, Labradorite stone is essential in lithotherapy. Its metallic colors delight collectors and jewellers. Discover all the benefits and secrets of this blue crystal.
The Labrador region of Canada is the birthplace of this stone. Discovered in 1770, it is from this place that it takes its name. The suffix -ite comes from the ancient Greek -itês. It means “mineral”. Labradorite means Labrador Mineral.
Sometimes Labradorite is referred to as “rainbow moonstone”. It can also have other names, such as mauilite, radauite, silicite or even spectrolite.
This stone is distinguished by its many iridescent reflections ranging from blue to green. Its reflections sometimes contain yellow or orange depending on the variations. From the plagioclase feldspar family, Labradorite is a variety of anorthite recognized by the IMA. Its chemical formula is (Na,Ca)(Al,Si)4O8, with traces of iron, potassium and water.
On the Mohs scale, its hardness is 6.5. Its specific gravity is 2.70.
Labradorite is very important in lithotherapy. Its regulatory energies allow the immune system to be stronger. It also helps the blood to circulate better, which strengthens the arteries.
Its shield effect also acts on the physique. Difficult digestion causes abdominal pain and discomfort in the intestines. Labradorite helps balance the digestive system. Its vibrations regulate all the organs of the body.
By providing a great source of energy, Labradorite helps to get rid of the state of fatigue. Whether mental or physical. The body feels lively and dynamic, and regains its vigor. This is why Labradorite is worn in case of low morale. It is a stone that boosts body and mind.